Spring Gravity Theory
A Profound Realization
Two Views of Human Nature
Labeling the Views
Contrasting the Views
The Science
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Our work is based on a new science called Humanology®.  

About Humanology®    

Humanology® is the science of understanding human nature. Unlike Psychology, Humanology® is founded on a comprehensive theory that stands up to scrutiny without exception or the need for modification. Humanology® is based on The Theory that Explains Human Nature, published and registered with the U.S. Copyright office (#TXu 848-169) in 1998. Humanology® meets the definition of a science in that it is a field of study based on a central (core) theory from which general laws and principles have been extracted. It is a valid science because independent researchers can apply its general laws and principles to explain natural phenomena and empirical data consistently and repeatedly. It is a useful science because it can be used to modify behavior and make accurate predictions. 

The Core Theory    

Humanology® is founded on the way sensations and emotions work. A unique pair of inspirations is associated with every survival need. Each pair is comprised of an urge and a resolution. The urge makes us uncomfortable. The resolution is experienced as a pleasurable feeling. 

The survival needs of the animals and human beings are the same. We share the same urge and resolution pairs (what we experience as discomfort and pleasure). 

The rules of nature apply to human beings just as they do the animals. When faced with a biological or situational need, we become uncomfortable. As soon as we make an effective response, the urge (discomfort) is replaced immediately by the associated resolution (pleasure). 

In other words, the pleasurable feelings we experience in life are not the reason why we take action. Rather, the pleasure we experience is merely a “trap.” We experience pleasure only because it causes us to overindulge in effective behavior. Doing so enables us to better manage a variety of reoccurring survival needs. 

In short, and this is the point, our only motivation in life is to resolve discomfort.  We are not attracted to pleasure nor do we avoid pain. Just like every other species on Earth, we are motivated only to resolve discomfort. Though the thought of experiencing pleasure might interest us, it is only when we think about missing out on the pleasure (discomfort) that we take action. 

Every action and inaction demonstrated by human beings can be explained as the shortest path to resolving discomfort. It follows that human beings are not predisposed to rise up and perform admirably (Spring Theory). On the contrary, human beings are predisposed to choose the path of least resistance leading to the least amount of discomfort – just like the animals (Gravity Theory).

The major difference between human beings and other species is that our large brain enables us to set elevated goals.  The thought of unfulfilled goals makes human beings uncomfortable, compelling us to go about achieving them. Those who rise up and perform admirably do so only because it is the path of least resistance leading to the least amount of discomfort. 

This is only a summary explanation.  For more information, visit the Humanology® website at Humanology.com.  If you are interested in an in-depth study, we recommend highly that you read The Essence of Man (Volume 1 in the Humanology® series).  It is the original treatise on the subject of understanding human nature.  It dispells Spring Theory and concludes that Gravity Theory accurately explains the nature of all human beings.
